New Production “Normals” Prior to the Next Ones

Filmmaking, motion pictures, content creation, movies, commercial photography, advertising, television, social media, broadcast, podcast, or simply put; production. Pick a realm from where you receive(d) a paycheck and call it what you want…  Ours is a creative arts business which is so economically  impactful, it is often called a global industry. Yet there are noContinue reading “New Production “Normals” Prior to the Next Ones”

Health & Safety Lessons from a Pig Shoot

DISCLAIMER: This post is not about how we should shoot (anything) again within Covid-19 guidelines. I present the information below from point-of-reference health and safety experiences on past shoots at commercial hog barns – long before the pandemic. Many of these actions parallel current discussions about establishing new universal on-set guidelines. I’ll never forget my firstContinue reading “Health & Safety Lessons from a Pig Shoot”