New Production “Normals” Prior to the Next Ones

Filmmaking, motion pictures, content creation, movies, commercial photography, advertising, television, social media, broadcast, podcast, or simply put; production. Pick a realm from where you receive(d) a paycheck and call it what you want…  Ours is a creative arts business which is so economically  impactful, it is often called a global industry. Yet there are noContinue reading “New Production “Normals” Prior to the Next Ones”

Location Filming & Commercial Photography in NEBRASKA

Edited 10.21.23 WELCOME and thank you for visiting…  Information and assistance here is about budgeted film production and commercial photography in Nebraska and western Iowa. There are MANY locations available. Most you are already assuming (gotcha) but there are surprises too. We have ample urban locations, open roads, industrial spaces, and miscellaneous film-friendly spaces. WeContinue reading “Location Filming & Commercial Photography in NEBRASKA”